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To err is human - the importance of working together!

On March 14-15, 2024 the 13th Swiss Trauma & Acute Care Surgery (STACS) Days will be held at the Inselspital, Bern University Hospital. 

In Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, time is of the essence and decisions must be made under pressure. This creates the potential for errors that are inherent in the nature of these patients. It is important to learn from each other and to discuss these challenges.

At the 13th STACS Days, national and international experts will present the latest evidence in trauma care, resuscitation and non-trauma emergency surgery.

Moreover, you will have the opportunity to submit scientific abstracts in the field of trauma care, Resuscitation, and Acute Care Surgery. An award of CHF 1000.- will be granted for the best scientific abstract by SwissACS.

We are looking forward to see you at the 13th STACS Days!


General information

Date and Location

March 14-15, 2024, Bern University Hospital, Ettore Rossi Lecture Hall.


Visit for registration.


Swiss Society of Surgery (SGC-SSC): 16 (8+8) Credits

Swiss Society for Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine (SSAPM): 16 (8+8) Credits

Swiss Society of Emergency Medicine (SGNOR-SSMUS): 16 (8+8) Credits

Swiss Orthopedics: 8 (4+4) Credits

Spoken and written congress language



Registration fee

Two days: CHF 140.-*

Day 1 TRAUMA: CHF 80.-


*SwissACS members: free access to Day 2


Eat, Meet, and Greet

March 14, 2024, 18:00-23:00, at the Schweizerhof Hotel, Bern: CHF 90.- (SwissACS members: CHF 75.-)

Abstract submission

You have the opportunity to submit your scientific abstract or video in the field of Trauma Care, Resuscitation, and Acute Care Surgery to the annual STACS Days. An international review board will select five abstracts to be presented in plenary Session 4, March 15, 2024. An award of CHF 1000.- will be granted for the best scientific abstract by SwissACS.

To submit, simply mail your abstract as a Word or PDF file to The deadline for the abstract submission is Friday, February 16, 2024. Your abstract should include a Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusion section. The maximal word count is 350 Words.

Please feel free to contact us via for any question or additional information. 

STACS Commitee

STACS Organizing Committee

Prof. Dr. Beat Schnüriger, Prof. Dr. Aristomenis Exadaktylos, Prof. Dr. Carmen Pfortmüller, PD Dr. Tobias Haltmeier, PD Dr. Dominik A. Jakob

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