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SWISS KNIFE was first published in 2004 as the official publication of the Swiss Society of Surgeons (SGC) and is now the magazine of the Swiss College of Surgeons (SCS), the leading organization of the surgical societies in Switzerland.

SWISS KNIFE mainly provides a platform for articles and discussions on professional policy, training, research and experience, and has become a firm part of all surgeons' reading agendas.

For advertisers

SWISS KNIFE plays a leading role in the field of Swiss surgery and enjoys a broad and loyal readership. Therefore, SWISS KNIFE enables advertisers to connect with their customers and potential new customers in a high quality environment. Advertisers directly reach the relevant target audience – such as physicians and directors who are involved in the decision-making process regarding new medical and technical acquisitions in the respective hospital.

Advertising placements not only include the placement of ad banners on the website, but also take into account placements in the PDF/print product as well as in the regularly published Info-Letter.


Swiss College of Surgeons SCS
Bahnhofstrasse 55 CH-5001 Aarau

Tel. +41 62 836 20 31

Advertisement Contact

Prof. Dr. Beat Schnüriger

Tel. +41 31 632 21 11

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