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Surgery Elsewhere

Experience at the trauma centre in South India
Surgery Elsewhere

Experience at the trauma centre in South India

In February 2024, I had the privilege of spending two weeks at Ganga Hospital in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, South India, a city with a population of over 2 million. Ganga Hospital is a recognized trauma center and has repeatedly been named one of the best hospitals in India. 

Surgical Care in Rural Africa
Surgery Elsewhere

Surgical Care in Rural Africa

Only 6% of surgeries are performed in the world’s poorest countries where over one third of the world’s population lives.1 Malawi has one of the lowest surgeon densities worldwide, with around 50 surgeons (of which 50% are general surgeons) for a population of 20 million.2 However, 35% of Malawi’s population live with a condition requiring surgical care.3 This article describes some of the challenges of providing surgical care in rural Malawi.

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