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News from the broad and varied field of Swiss surgical research. In addition, Swiss surgical researchers present themselves and their work.


Morbus Hirschsprung

Hirschsprung`s disease is a multigenetic intestinal disorder characterized by a variable length of distal colonic aganglionosis. The exact cause is unknown but proposed pathological mechanisms are processes of the enteric neural crest-derived cell development and include faulty proliferation, insufficient cephocaudal migration, differentiation, and survival [1]. The consequences are continuous contraction and lack of peristalsis leading to functional intestinal obstruction at the terminal migratory site of ganglion cells [2]. Although Hirschsprung`s disease can affect any length from the internal anal sphincter to the entire large bowel the incidence is approximately 1 in 5000 births, with a male predominance of 4:1 in rectosigmoid Hirschsprung`s disease [3].


Morbus Hirschsprung

Surgical Research in Switzerland

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Surgical Research in Switzerland

From Bit to Bedside

Artificial Intelligence and its Potential in Surgery: These days a lot of scientific breakthroughs are enabled by artificial intelligence (AI). 

From Bit to Bedside

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