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Images in surgery

Ein Bilderrätsel und seine Auflösung: Wir stellen eine Frage aus dem chirurgischen Alltag und beantworten sie.

Images in Surgery

When appendectomy is not the end of it

An 80-year-old male patient presented to the emergency department with a one-day history of right lower quadrant abdominal pain with no associated nausea or vomiting. He had similar symptoms for which he underwent appendectomy 60 years ago.

When appendectomy is not the end of it
Images in Surgery

When diet doesn´t cut it

A 70-year-old male patient presented to the emergency department with a 4-day history of abdominal pain, vomiting, constipation and nausea. Similar episodes in the past year resolved after dietary modifications.

When diet doesn´t cut it
Images in Surgery

Upper endoscopy with unusual consequences

A 76-year-old patient presented in septic shock with diffuse abdominal pain two days after upper endoscopy. Fluid resuscitation and broad-spectrum antibiotics were administered. Initial diagnostics revealed an enlarged stomach wall. After further detoriation and development of an abdominal compartment syndrome a partial gastrectomy and open-abdomen treatment was performed. 

Upper endoscopy with unusual consequences
Images in Surgery

Aortic Puzzles: A Patient’s Journey

An 83-year-old patient presented at our emergency department with a 24-hour history of dizziness, balance impairment, chills, high fever of 39°C, as well as mild discomfort in both the left and right upper abdominal quadrants. 

Aortic Puzzles: A Patient’s Journey
Images in Surgery

Mysterious Gallbladder

A 71 year old female patient presented to the Emergency Department with diffuse abdominal pain in the right hemiabdomen with increasing intensity over the course of a few days, and a history of digestive issues. 

Mysterious Gallbladder
Images in Surgery


A 76-year-old patient with cerebral palsy who has experienced sporadic intermittent painless scleral and cutaneous jaundice is referred to surgery consultation for evaluation of cholecystectomy for cholecystolithiasis.

Images in Surgery

Hostile appendix

A 80 year old with a past medical history notable for liver cirrhosis Child B due to hepatitis C complicated by a hepatocellular carcinoma and ischemic cardiomyopathy presented to the emergency department with progressive lower abdominal pain for 3-4 days.

Hostile appendix

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